Last chance to sign up for our live session this afternoon:
12/23/2024 4:15 PM EST
2025 Stock Market Outlook
The sessions will run up to 1 hour (15 minute lesson and time for Q&A). Come prepared with what you want to learn, and ask. We'll be recording the sessions, so that we can build a learning library, primarily based on the first 15-minute education segments.
Advanced signup is required HERE.
Rob will also debut a new weekly feature for these Monday 4pm ET live sessions:
SAQ: Sungarden Answers Questions
SAQ: Seeking Alpha Questions
Rob writes several times a week at Seeking Alpha, and his articles often produce robust discussion in the comments section. Each Monday, Rob will summarize some of the questions and comments posed by the Seeking Alpha audience, and his responses.
This Sungarden version of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), plus his weekly live review of our Tuesday weekly research post, The 3s Report, aim to add some "color" to Rob's written work and allow subscribers to react and ask questions about those timely investing issues...or simply pose their own questions to Rob.
For now, these educational sessions are free to anyone who wants to attend and signs up in advance through this LINK.
However, soon we will offer these live sessions exclusively to subscribers to Sungarden YARP Portfolio, the investing group Rob leads on Seeking Alpha. If you are not a subscriber and want to learn more about it, you can find the home page HERE.
We think this live, weekly "show" will provide self-directed investors and financial advisors with a unique and timely discussion of market-related topics, including on specific stocks, ETFs and option strategies. Sungarden YARP Portfolio is NOT a classic "subscription newsletter." It is a growing, collaborative group of like-minded investors, who share the common goal of approaching modern markets with a more flexible investing approach and uncommon humility, instead of hype.
Future topics include:
12/30/2024 How to use the new "depth chart" and daily report
1/6/2025 How to make ETFs portfolio game-changers
1/13/2025 Using options in a portfolio: Rob's "meat and potatoes" approach
1/20/2025 "Call in" show: bring a ticker, Rob charts and opines on it
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