Ask Me Anything
Our office hours concept seems to have been miscommunicated. Not because of anything anyone did. The goal of those sessions was to allow a group of subscribers to virtually visit Rob in his office, during his work day, and have their questions answered. We set up a Zoom room for that purpose and established 2 times each week where he would be ready to respond to pre-submitted calls.
What we realized is that for many investors, since the learning process is cumulative, and our approach to investing is unique (which is one thing we like about it!), the better route would be to schedule what we'd call "hybrid" sessions. That is, each live session will start with Rob educating subscribers about a key aspect of our research and investment approach. He will set his clock for 15 minutes, so keep the information delivery focused, and avoid trying to teach too much at once.
After that 15 minute segment, the floor will be open for questions and conversation. Ask about:
The topic du jour
The markets
Recent or potential portfolio moves
Any aspect of Sungarden YARP Portfolio service, including suggested enhancements
This is YOUR TIME. Use it to pick Rob's brain about whatever helps you to be a better investor.
We'll start out by doing these every Monday, promptly at 4:15pm Eastern Time. The room will open at 4:00pm, so please arrive by 4:15.
The sessions will run up to 1 hour. So come prepared with what you want to learn, and ask. Advance signup is required HERE. And we'll be recording the sessions, so that we can build a learning library, primarily based on those 15-minute education segments.
12/9/2024The real reason we invest, and why many people ignore it
12/16/2024Why we have to do dividends differently
12/23/2024How to turn a stock's 3% yield into 7% without limiting upside
12/30/2024How to use the Sungarden Stock Research Deck
1/6/2025 How to make ETFs portfolio game-changers
1/13/2025 Using options in a portfolio: Rob's "meat and potatoes" approach
1/20/2025"Call in" show: bring a ticker, Rob charts and opines on it